The Miracle and the Mormon Miracle Pageant
This short dialogue is an example of just how cool our God is. Here is the scene. Our team member B. A. sits in a chair in the the street in front of the temple and is drawing the temple. A Mormon guy (MG) looks at the drawing and says;
“I’d like to buy your drawing as a mother’s day gift for my Mom.”
BA- “I’m sorry, but I’ve already promised it to someone else.”
MG- “Well then, I would like to buy your next one.”
BA- “I suppose I could mail it to you.”
MG- “I live in Texas.”
BA- “Really? Me too! Where?”
MG- “I live in San Antonio.”
BA- “Me too!”
MG- “Are you LDS?”
BA – “No, I’m not.”
MG- “I’m a jack-Mormon (inactive) and my wife is not a Mormon so I go to church with her.”
BA- “Really? Where do you go?”
MG- “We go to CBC.”
CBC is short for Community Bible Church. Becky and I have been members there for more than 17 years. Is God cool or what? BA has this man’s contact info. Please join me in prayer that this Mormon guy gets saved and is on next year’s team.