Doctrinal Statement

Doctrinal Statement For Evidence Ministries

  • We Believe that the sixty-six books of both the Old and New testaments comprise the inspired Word of God and are without error in the original writings. The Bible is God’s complete written revelation. It is the final authority for the Christian life and faith.
  • We deny the authority of any other writings on spiritual matters. They are, at best, man’s opinions and, at worst, false doctrine worthy of refutation.
  • We affirm one uncreated, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal God. This one God is simultaneously manifested in three equal persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We deny that the three persons are three gods or that God manifested himself as three separate manifestations at separate times.
  • Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh, was born of a virgin, led a sinless life, died on the cross and rose again bodily on the third day. He is man’s only source for salvation. Because He ever lives, He alone is our High Priest and advocate and is able to completely save forever those who come to Him. We deny that Jesus Christ is a lesser god or the result of a sexual relationship between God the Father and Mary. We also deny that Jesus shed his physical body before his ascension into heaven. We deny other sources for salvation, whether they be through churches, organizations or other people, and deem them as anti-Christ.
  • The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, regenerates, indwells, guides, and instructs, as well as empowers the believer for godly living and service. We deny that the Holy Spirit is nothing but a force that God uses to act and create.
  • All mankind is sinful by nature. This condition makes it impossible to earn his eternal life through good works. Good works, however, are a by-product of saving faith, not a pre-requisite to be saved.
  • Mankind is saved by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Believers are justified by His shed blood and shall be saved from wrath through Him. Grace and works are mutually exclusive. Anything added to grace equals heresy.
  • Christ’s church is made up of individuals who have recognized their lost state and placed their trust in the redeeming work of Christ for their salvation.
  • Jesus Christ will return again for His own. All true believers will reign with Him throughout eternity.
  • There will be a bodily resurrection of both the just and the unjust; the just to everlasting life, the unjust to everlasting damnation.
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