About Us

Keith & Becky Walker were both saved in 1988; Keith at a Billy Graham Crusade in Rochester, NY, and Becky through an independent study of I John in Mililani, HI. They both started attending solid churches and were immediately discipled. Keith attended Emmaus Bible College from 1989-1992 and graduated with a three-year Associates degree in Biblical Studies. Becky attended Emmaus from1991-1992 and earned a 1-year certificate. They moved to San Antonio, TX in 1992 and were married July 25th. Becky earned her Bachelor’s degree in 1995 and her Masters degree in 1997 from UTSA in vocal performance. The Walkers now have two children.

The Walkers founded Evidence Ministries in 1995 as a missionary outreach to the San Antonio, TX Area. Its threefold purpose is to REACH Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons for Christ, to TEACH Christians the differences between these two cults and Biblical Christianity, and to WARN the community about the dangers of these groups. Evidence Ministries is active in REACHING these cults through personal witnessing and mission trips. Evidence Ministries TEACHES Christians about these cults through various speaking engagements at churches and ‘coaching’ sessions (personal witness training). Evidence Ministries also WARNS the community of the dangers of these two groups through their monthly newsletter Backpacks & Briefcases, their web site, articles in the San Antonio Express News, as guests on various radio programs, and through Mormon temple outreaches.

Evidence Ministries Is A 501(C)3 Non-Profit Tax-Exempt Organization.

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