2010 Evidence Ministries Football Pool!
Are you ready for some football? I created a football pool four years ago and invited family and friends to join. The winner gets a $10 gift certificate to Dairy Queen. I can taste that large Chocolate Extreme Blizzard now! Congratulations to Becky’s brother, Terry, for winning last year’s pool.
I invite you to sign up for the EM football pool and join in the fun. In order to join, you must register as a user at http://www.poolhost.com/ When registering, you will choose a personal username and password. Once you’ve entered PoolHost.com as a registered user, go to the ‘User Tools’ menu and choose ‘Join a Private Pool’. Click on the “Pro Football Pick’em” icon in the upper left corner and then you will be asked to enter the Pool’s Login Name and the Pool’s Password.
For the Pool’s Login Name type: EMfootballpool
For the Pool’s Password type: football
That’s it and then you’re in! The next time you login in to http://www.poolhost.com/, you can go to ‘My Pools’ and you’ll see all pools that you belong to. Clicking on a pool name will take you to that pool. You can switch to a different pool by going to ‘My Pools’ again at any time. To Register, click here: http://www.poolhost.com/index.asp?page=register.asp
Don’t worry about the fact that we’ve already had one game. Just be honest and tell me who you would have picked and I will enter it in for you before Sunday’s games.
Last Thursday’s game messed up week one so I am going to give everyone correct picks for the first week. It isn’t too late to join. Look at it this way, you’ve already started the pool with a perfect score!