Witnesses Now For Jesus 2006 slide show!
We had a great time in New Ringgold, Pennsylvania for the 2006 WNFJ convention. We met new friends and were able to reconnect with some old ones. Well, some of them are old, but you know what I mean. There were many wonderful testimonials and teachings from some great speakers. If you are interested in hearing them, you can contact the Blue Mountain Christian Retreat and order some tapes. My presentation is titled “What’s in a Name- Pronunciation or Reputation?” It was well received.
This year was the first year that we brought other people with us. Rob and Judy were both raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses and enjoyed the convention. WNFJ is a nice place for former JW’s to get away from the hustle and bustle of every day life and be able to talk with those who understand what they have been through. Some of the testimonials are heart-wrenching, yet uplifting at the same time. The teaching helps to reinforce former JW’s in Christian doctrine. This year was a success so we hope to bring more next year!