Manti Mission Trip
Manti Mission Trip
Every year since 2000, Evidence Ministries has taken a team of Christians to Manti (pronounced Man-tie), Utah to preach the gospel to Mormons at the Mormon Miracle Pageant. Manti is located in central Utah about 2 1/2 hours south of Salt Lake City. The pageant is an outdoor drama that depicts the beginnings of Mormonism in upstate New York in 1820. Scenes include the trek out west to Salt Lake City, the murder of the founder Joseph Smith and various Book of Mormon stories. The pageant runs every year in mid-June. It is not uncommon to have anywhere from 5,000- 20,000 visitors each night.
The pageant grounds open at 6:00pm, but the pageant itself does not begin until 9:30pm. That gives Christians 3 ½ hours to engage interested Mormons in religious discussions. The city closes the streets surrounding the temple to vehicular traffic allowing people to congregate and talk in the middle of the street. The streets can fill up with literally scores of conversations ranging from one-on-one to one-on-50.
Evidence Ministries trains our teams to effectively engage Mormons in fruitful conversations. Extra attention is given to teach Christians how to do this without getting into negative arguments with Mormons. We teach our teams two main witnessing techniques through seven weekly training sessions. The seven weeks are as follows;
- Week 1- Introductions and The Mormon Puzzle Video.
- Week 2- The Mormon World View of Exaltation.
- Week 3- Mormonism’s Impossible Gospel Part 1.
- Week 4- Mormonism’s Impossible Gospel Part 2.
- Week 5- Explaining the Gospel to Mormons.
- Week 6- God Is Not A Man.
- Week 7- Role-playing to apply what you have learned.
The training is open to Christians who want to learn more about Mormonism and how to witness to them. You do not have to go on the mission trip in order to attend the training. Our training sessions are always fun and informative. You will learn more about Mormonism than you ever thought you could know. Our goal is to cultivate in you a heart for the Mormons and to equip you to reach out in love to those who are lost. Training materials will be available for purchase. Training is usually held at Community Bible Church in San Antonio, Texas. Childcare is available with advance notice.
Thank you for being interested in reaching out to the Mormon people. If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at