Twelve Days Of CHRISTmas: Day Five
If you ever get the chance to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, you’ve got to go see them. Becky and I saw them last year and they were great! It was almost like a worship concert set to rock music. One of their most famous songs is CHRISTmas Eve in Sarajevo. If you would like to listen to it, go to the above web site and click on the song.
There is also a parody of CHRISTmas Eve in Sarajevo that is hilarious. Once I put this song in your head, you’ll thank me for days.
Our 12 days of CHRISTmas parody is now;
On the fifth day of CHRISTmas my true love said to me, “Ding Fries are done!”
“Twis-ted Christ-mas“, (<— click here)
“Elf Bowl-ing,” (<—click here)“Go elf yourself,” (<— click here)
“Complain about the holiday theme!”