From the Jewel Box # 1

This post is the first of a new series called From the Jewel Box. This will be a regular feature where we will share with you some of the cute things that our kids say. Parents, you know your kids say some pretty funny things from time to time. Becky and I realized this as soon as our kids started to speak. We found ourselves forgetting some of these sayings and decided to keep tract of them, but we had no idea what to do or how to do it until Becky received a gift from the President of Moldova Bible Seminary.

Becky was given a beautiful hand-carved jewelry box for letting me go and teach at the seminary for five of the last six years (I teach a two week class on World Religions and Cults). We were very thankful for the gift, but really didn’t know what to place in the box because Becky really isn’t into jewelry. (Praise God she hates chick-flicks too!) Sure, she’s got earrings, necklaces, and things like that, but nothing worthy of placing into such a nice box. Then it hit me- How about writing down the cute sayings of our kids and keeping them in the jewel box? Since we treasure these sayings like some people do jewelry, it only made sense to place these little gems into the jewel box. Excellent idea if I say so myself!

We keep the jewel box on a kitchen counter and write down the sayings as we remember. A great portion of these sayings come from conversation at the dinner table. Some of them are cute, some are silly, and others are just plain unbelievable. We’ll start with one of the unbelievable ones.


This one was probably one of the first quotes we recorded. Our daughter was 2 ½ years old and was eating a tortilla chip. She picked up a chip, held it up and said, “Triangle.” Becky and I were completely surprised. We had been teaching her about shapes and we were happy that she is learning to identify her shapes on her own completely uninitiated by us. What happened next blew our minds.

Our daughter took a bite out of the triangular chip. She bit the top off, held it up and looked at it again. She said, “Trapezoid.” Okay, now Becky and I are officially freaked. This example isn’t funny or cute, but is totally off the charts on the WOW factor. We knew our daughter was pretty smart, but we were not expecting this. By the way, Daddy was silently saying to himself, “So that is what a trapezoid looks like.”

Important note: We will not reveal the names of our children on this blog. Any comment that mentions our children’s names will be deleted. It is nothing personal, we just feel that it is an important safety measure for our family. If you would like to read the other FTJB entries, click on the “From the Jewel Box” link in the side bar on the right or on the Jewel Box icon at the end of this paragraph.

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